Global Forum III Themes

Girls as Global Citizens

Essential Questions

  • What does it mean to be a “global citizen” and how do schools and organizations develop in girls and young women the required skills and mindsets to be one?
  • What ways are schools are exposing girls to the world beyond the school buildings?
  • How can partnerships expand the four walls of the classroom and expose girls to their community and the world?
  • How do schools manage experiential programs so they are accessible to all students and aligned to their mission and values?

Girls as Entrepreneurs and Innovators

Essential Questions

  • What best practices are energizing girls to be entrepreneurs and innovators around the world?
  • How is curriculum being re-imagined and what new understanding is driving that design to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation in girls?
  • How are students being introduced to role model or entrepreneurs and innovators?

Girls as Social Activists

Theme Sponsor: Student Leadership Network

Essential Questions

  • What role do girls and young women play in transforming their political, cultural, and social landscape?
  • How are girls’ schools engaging with their local, national, and global communities to provide their students with authentic learning experiences?
  • How can educators empower girls to use their voice, both now and in the future, so their perspectives and experiences are heard?
  • What opportunities are girls’ schools providing girls to be active in volunteerism and interested in impacting change in their world?
  • What does power/empowerment look like for women now and what will it look like in the future?
  • How has the COVID-19 global pandemic impacted empowerment of girls and women in unique ways?

Girls as Political Leaders

Essential Questions

  • What are the competencies today’s world demands from political leaders?
  • What are the best ways to encourage girls’ and young women’s political voices?
  • How do girls’ schools encourage healthy dissent, respect for different viewpoints, and an appreciation for civil discourse—particularly when so many of these discussions are now happening online?
  • Where does the concept of power—both political and financial—come into play when educating girls?

Girls as Artists, Creators, and Performers

Essential Questions

  • What conditions, attitudes, and behaviors support creativity and artistic expression among girls?
  • How can we encourage girls to take creative risks?
  • How does community and collaboration that is so essential to girls’ schools expand the creative process among our artists, performers, and creators?
  • How does the creative process of revising and refining work help girls develop critical skills such as persistence, perspective-taking, and receiving and applying feedback?
  • How does learning about the creative arts and artistic expression impact how girls perceive and interact with the world?

Girls as Environmental Champions

Essential Questions

  • How do girls’ schools raise girls’ awareness of climate change and environmental issues?
  • What role do girls’ schools have in encouraging girls to become better environmental stewards?
  • What opportunities are girls’ schools providing girls to be active in volunteerism and interested in community development?
  • What female role models are we presenting to girls as past and current environmental champions?

Girls as Scientists

Essential Questions

  • What strategies and methodologies are most effective for teaching girls and young women STEAM and related topics within and beyond the school walls?
  • How does physical space help instill critical thinking, problem-solving, exploring, inventing, and iterating into the daily lives of girls?
  • What are the components of STEAM that need to be integrated into academic and co-curricular programs as core elements, and how do they interconnect across disciplines?
  • What are the best models in the private sector and among non-profits for addressing the “leaky pipeline” in tech?

Girls as Inclusive Allies

Theme Sponsor: Young Women’s Preparatory Network

Essential Questions

  • How can schools and girl-serving organizations prepare students to embrace and express various aspects of their identities while also having an awareness of and respect for the identity expression of others?
  • How do we ensure schools and educational organizations are safe spaces for the expression of differences while also encouraging inquiry, varying opinions, and open dialogue?
  • What resources are available to help community members conduct and participate in difficult conversations?

Girls as Happy, Healthy Individuals

Essential Questions

  • What is the role of schools and girl-serving organizations in addressing girls’ and young women’s intellectual and emotional growth?
  • How do we align expectations among the students, parents, and the school?
  • How can schools and organizations enlist the entirety of their communities to take a proactive approach to promoting health and well-being for girls?
  • What are innovative ways in which schools and organizations can work together to combat the negative messages girls and young women receive through social media and pop culture?
  • What connections are there between health and wellness and girls developing their “voice”?

Girls’ Schools as Educational Leaders

Essential Questions

  • How are girls’ schools driving the global conversation about girls’ healthy development and learning?
  • How can girls’ schools lead the way in creating inclusive, culturally responsive classrooms?
  • How are girls’ schools involved with helping build a more equitable future for all?
  • What opportunities are available for girls’ schools around the world to collaborate and innovate?